This week we bit the bullet and did some 'mandatory' touristy things in Cape Town, like taking a ferry out to Robben Island. While I've prided myself in 26 years of seasick-free living, this boat ride nearly ended that. It was like a freak water park ride gone horribly awry for almost an hour. The island itself is surprisingly beautiful (and not just because it's blessed solid ground) -- sun and swaying palm trees and white sand with crushed seashells everywhere. In the 1800's it was used for a leper colony. Once it was turned into a prison, there were 2 sides: a medium-security side for thieves, rapists, and murderers, and a maximum security side for political prisoners. The rapists and murderers served no hard labour, while political prisoners worked in the limestone mines, often transporting rocks from one side of the island to the other for no apparent reason.

Mandela's cell.
The prison.
Photo op with our tour guide. This guy served 5 years in Robben Island Prison because, as a university student in the 70's, he was in a non-violent protest against Afrikaans (white South African's language of choice) being required learning in school.
Have I told you lately how much I love those glasses???